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"I Saw Brilliance in Rani Kohen's Product 13 Years Ago" ($SKYX Impact Stock)

Lenny Sokolow CO- CEO of SKYX Platforms Inc ( SKYX Impact Stock). Lenny was so impressed with Rani and his product that even though he considers himself a conservative individual, he "stalked" Rani for years because he wanted to be part of something great. Something that could make the world a better and safer place. Lenny got his start in the business world as an international corporate lawyer, and his most recent role was as president and CEO of a broker-dealer firm with over three billion in investor assets. He is a seasoned executive involved with many companies throughout his career.
Lenny has never been quickly enamored with a company or its leadership. There aren't many companies or products that do what the SKYX product does. Safety is an area in which Lenny is highly familiar. When he first saw the ceiling receptacle, he knew the company was on to something meaningful.SKYX Platforms, he knew there was something special there and has become more impressed than he was thirteen years ago. Lenny watched Rani and his team systematically and methodically navigate through a very challenging and antiquated industry that is not quick to adopt technology. He looked on as the NEC added 10 inserts to the code book specific to the SKYX product. He watched as the product received ANSI certification and NEMA certification; he watched as they became part of the Architect Association's safety curriculum. SKYX has executed the founder's vision every step of the way.
What is most exciting is how much that original idea has grown into a platform that is going to revolutionize multiple [e industries. This is the kind of stock that you buy a little bit of every paycheck, and you throw those shares in a safe or safety deposit box, and in 5 to eight years, you pull them out and see where the stock is trading. The SKYX system makes job sites safer. This will be a game changer, and now that the product depth is starting to hit store shelves, people will see why Lenny Stalked SKYX for years. SKYX will save lives and make things more efficient and better for all of humanity for future generations.\