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Alpha Wolf Follow Up With CEO Chuck Ferry Duos Technologies Inc. $DUOT 4-24

In this follow-up with CEO Chuck Ferry, we talk about the missed quarterly numbers and how two customers have pushed their projects back in time but increased the size and dollar amount for the contract, which is a very positive development. We di...

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Follow up interview CEO Peter Evans Xtract One Technologies Inc. Stock Symbol XTRAF

In this Alpha Wolf Trading interview, I speak with CEO Peter Evans of Patriot One, now named Xtract One Technologies. Stock Symbol XTRAF

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How many more derailments need to happen before we change the way we do things? DUOT

There are real-world solutions to help avoid tragedies like the one that has occurred in Palestine, Ohio. Why we aren't mandating Duos Technologies AI software on every railway in the U.S. is a question to ponder. How many more derailments or loss of life will it take before we take action to reduce or prevent accidents like this? Save one life or prevent an accident like the one below> what is that worth?

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