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"I Saw Brilliance in Rani Kohen's Product 13 Years Ago" ($SKYX Impact Stock)

Lenny Sokolow CO- CEO of SKYX Platforms Inc ( SKYX Impact Stock). Lenny was so impressed with Rani and his product that even though he considers himself a conservative individual, he "stalked" Rani for years because he wanted to be part of somethi...

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$SKYX Lighting & Ceiling Fan Booklet Plug and Play Quick Connect SkyPlug & Weight Supporting Ceiling Receptacle W.S.C.R.

This Booklet is for anyone that has ever installed a Ceiling Fan or light fixture. Or more importantly This is for anyone considering installing a ceiling light or Ceiling Fan-Go from nearly an hour install and that is if you are lucky, With the S...

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Invitation to the SKYX Conference Call: August 9, 2023

Dear Esteemed Investors and Colleagues, In the realm of investments, insightful knowledge is the key to informed decisions. I am thrilled to extend an invitation that carries the potential to deepen your understanding of our venture at SKYX. On August 9, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern time, Why Attend? I'd like to share a personal perspective with you. Having intimately known Rani Kohen, our visionary Founder and Executive Chairman, I can confidently attest to the depth of his dedication and his unwavering pursuit of excellence. This conference call is an opportunity for you to hear, firsthand, the vision of a man who has tirelessly striven to transform an antiquated system into one that is not only better but, most crucially, safer.

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Alpha Wolf Trading Follow-Up Interview with Founder Rani Kohen Executive Chairman, SKYX Platforms Inc. stock symbol SKYX

SKYX Platform's Inc.: Transforming the Industry with Innovation, Safety, and Unprecedented Achievements Introduction: Since my original posting of this interview the stock has declined to what some might call stupid cheap levels. I happen to agree with that assesment. The team at SKYX continues to grow stronger every week with additional world class talent being added to a stellar group of industry experts and category visionaries. Case in point SKYX announced that former Microsoft executive Khadija Mustafa Joins SKYX as Senior Tech, AI, and Global Business Advisor learn more here Yahoo Finance Mark your calendar SKYX Platforms Investor Update August 9TH 10:30 AM ET SKYX Announces Over $14 Million (unaudited) In Sales for Partial Second Quarter, Including Sales of Its Plug & Play Products That Are Now Sold on 16 US and Canadian Leading Websites More here The home decor and lighting industry is transforming for the better as one company has been making waves with its groundbreaking solutions and unwavering commitment to safety. Rani Kohen and his team at SKYX Platform Inc. have achieved a remarkable series of accomplishments over the past nine months, revolutionizing the industry and capturing the attention of both consumers and professionals alike. From prestigious awards to strategic hires and game-changing

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SKYX & the price action of the stock since announcing the agreed upon acquisition of Belami Ecommerce

Yesterday, I sent out a note about SKYX and why I thought the acquisition was a brilliant strategic move. While I fully believe that SKYX will get a standardized mandate. The investment SKYX announced yesterday provides 64 platforms with 86 million in revenues. SKYX has a path for distribution and a marketing platform already geared toward home decor and the lighting industry. With or without a mandate, this platform is strategic and needed.

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SKYX Platforms Inc Secures distribution and marketing platform with the acquisition of Belami Ecommerce

As you all know, I am a massive fan of Rani Kohen and the entire team at S.K.Y.X. However, just because I firmly believe that does not make it so! Anything can happen. However, This morning $ S.K.Y.X. announced a move that put them on solid ground and a clear path for the distribution of their revolutionary SkyPlug. After seeing firsthand

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SKYX Platforms CES take Aways and Insights as to why the SkyPlug is going to make switching out light fixture & Ceiling fan safer & easier.

There was a laundry list of reasons why I spent five days at CES with Rani and his team @ SKYX Platforms Corp. It was the first time I got to meet Rani in person. It was also the first time I met his engineering and design team, and I could see firsthand how well they worked together. Rani's team is much younger than I thought they would be,

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Hello all These are crazy times and the market is brutal but mark my words. This is when opportunity is created and the has never been more clear to me that the one being presented right now. SKYX has a global licensing deal with GE where for ev...

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