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Evaluate any stock with these 5 steps before you invest!

I have been in the markets for over thirty years, and I have learned a lot of hard lessons. It has taken me that long to refine my process. Is it perfect? No, not even close. I will continue to tweak my technique and learn to identify other intangibles that can increase my edge. There is no substitute for real-life experiences. The difficult lessons, the painful and sometimes excruciating pain, the emotional torment I have endured, and the financial ramifications of making mistakes serve as the most valuable education I will ever have.

I have made many mistakes in my investment and trading history as well as in life. Some that were insignificant and some that were monumental! That does not define me as a failure! I only indeed fail if I decide to give up. That was never an option for me. They are the stepping stones to my success. I knew I needed to get better, I needed to learn from my mistakes, and I needed to pay it forward. Help prevent others from making the mistakes I have made. That is why I started AWT.

I have a passion for the markets, and I have always wanted to help others who wish to learn—the only thing more satisfying than my self-development and achieving my goals. Helping someone else grow and achieve their goals!
That is the most rewarding, mentally stimulating, genuinely incredible feeling! Positively impacting someone's life, by providing them with an education that they can use for the rest of their lives to build their wealth, give them confidence in their ability to manage their own money. Provide the tools to identify, research and develop a plan they can have conviction in, giving them and their loved ones a better foundation to build a better future. If I can do that for one person, then I have achieved my goal with this service. If I can do it for hundreds or thousands of people, that would be my ultimate dream come true. Nobody could ever take that away from me! I would be so incredibly grateful that I am blessed with the opportunity to change people's lives. It does not happen without dedication, passion, and hard work.

Even the act of investing itself, what is the real driver for me? Yes, I want to make money! However, that is not what drives me. What drives me to spend thousands of hours researching companies, products, services, interviewing executive teams and CEOs. What drives me to look for those turnaround stories, undiscovered gems, or potential disruptors? When you break it down to its simplest form, it's the people. There are thousands of companies out there in the world that are trying to make their claim. Some are trying to make things better for the rest of us with their product or service. Often, they are led by dreamers and innovators, who have risked everything to make their vision a reality! Going public allows others to support their endeavor and reap the rewards if their offering succeeds and thrives.

As a shareholder, I view myself as a part-owner, and I want to support that company. I invest my time and money, directly and indirectly, in the brand, the product, most notably in the people from the founder and CEO and every employee in the company. Helping a company succeed means keeping people employed no matter what their role is within the company. By supporting a company to grow, I feel I am helping everyone involved. When I invest, it isn't just about owning the stock. I go too much more extraordinary lengths to help a company I am infused with to achieve success. That is why I must meet and speak with the executive team, founder, visionary, CEO, ETC. I want to feel their passion, clearly understand their vision, learn about their failures, how they handled them, and overcome setbacks. I want to know how they view their employees and what their dreams are. Investing in a company is another way for me to impact someone's life positively. Playing a role in a companies success, no matter how small my part is, can lead to incredible financial rewards on a much deeper level; it feels good psychologically.
I hope you all enjoy the video and learn something from it.

I want to send a heartfelt thank you to all the members of AWT! I appreciate you more than you will ever know all and want to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

To everyone, please be safe, have fun, enjoy the time with your friends and family on this holiday, and thank you for visiting Alpha Wolf Trading!