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$SKYX Booklet Plug and Play Quick Connect SkyPlug & Weight Supporting Ceiling Receptacle W.S.C.R.

*This booklet is for everyone and anyone that has changed or wants to change out the ceiling lights or ceiling fans. What used to take an hour only takes seconds now. SKYX Platforms Simpler, Safer, Smarter! *

SKYX Platforms, SkyPlug™ quick connect Plug and Play system for ceiling light fixtures and fans is a game -changer for nearly every industry from Insurance companies, Property Management, Home Builders, Real Estate Development, Remodeling, Hospitality, Restaurants, Bars, Night Clubs, Hotels, Casinos, Cruise Ships, Schools, Interior designers, Party planners, Hospitals, Assisted living facilities, Architects, and Film studios. Read through this booklet & see why the positive impact is 3 fold. It is simpler, safer, and it makes your fixtures smarter. Make your next ceiling fixture install a SKYX plug and play system install and become part of the movement to making ceiling fixture installations
simpler, safer,smarter!